Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Travel to Peucang Island

Peucang Island is an island located in Banten Pandeglang Panaitan Strait or east Ujung Kulon National Park, West Java - Indonesia.

The island is included in the Ujung Kulon National Park area so that not a few tourists visiting Taman Ujung Kulon, also visited the island of white sand.

Peucang island is also accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with Panaitan Island and Island Handeuleum.

From Jakarta, I drove toward 'Sumur' with through hills, rice fields and beaches. I'm not sure how many hours of travel time, I guess about 6 hours. From Sumur, I boarded a wooden boat (slowboat) to the Peucang island with the distance 2.5 hours.

Peucang Island is an area of ​​white sand beaches and coral reefs with fascinating underwater life Peucang very impressive island with abundant forest protection and also with his wild animal life, the way we will stop at Nyawaaan bay with crystal clear sea water here we can swim or snorkeling, arrived in the afternoon and then forwarded to the other side Cidaon located in Ujung Kulon peninsula, this vast meadow place for bull, boar, peacock, leopard and a terrace of the Fauna.

Objects attract enough tourists on this island is the Coral Copong is the name of a large dead coral cavities (Copong) located in the northern part of the island.

- Peucang Island Ujung Kulon - 4, 5 May 2013 -

“If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul.”

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