Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Son of Mount Krakatau Expedition

Son of Krakatoa and It Mother

This is one of my dreams. And it's come true. I always interested to something that has a historical value. And Krakatoa is one of that place. I read so many articles and watch some movies about it. Imagine I was there when this mountain erupted and watched the growth of this mount.

But thanks God I'm not there when it's happened. So I can learn from this mountain and enjoy the beauty of it.

Oh Lord, I can't write anything, it's just perfect view and perfect place to spend a quality time.

Krakatoa may just be the most famous volcano of all time. More devastating than Mt. St. Helens, closer in time than Vesuvius; the volcano that destroyed itself and its island in one tremendous eruption is nearly iconic in the public eye. - http://www.damninteresting.com/son-of-krakatoa/

And not only the view of this mountain that we can enjoy,  there is a treasure under the sea of Krakatoa Islands.

Marine park.

So quiet so beautiful.

And also around it.

Umag-umang Island
Son of Krakatoa, June 14th - 16th 2013

"Travel is more than seeing of sight, it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living" - from my friend Lala (https://www.facebook.com/petite.fleur.526875?fref=ts)

Photo by : Afri Adri https://www.facebook.com/afri.andri.5?fref=ts

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